information on photography, old and new.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Manual Fill Flash

I first have to say, I don't like TTL flash system in my cameras.
I cannot consistently have a correctly exposed fill flash and even exposed picture correctly. That is very not good enough for me a working people photographer, maybe for other types of photography where you need to take pictures very quickly TTL flash might work but I very rarely have that type of photography work, so I throw TTL flash out the window.
Think about this one... why doesn't a race car driver use auto transmission?? The theory of Fill Flash is my friend, which is the use of a flash to lessen the shadows of your picture. The more flash you use in the picture the less difference in f/stop for the shadows. Here is how it works.
  1. Use a spot light meter, and meter the general exposure of the person I'm taking a picture of, ISO 200 shutter 250 f/stop 16. (yes sunny day rule).
  2. Next I use my spot meter and meter the shadows around the my subject, typically is located on either the left or right side of the person. We'll say, ISO 200 shutter 250 f/stop 8.
  3. Calculate the f/stops difference. this example is 2 stops.. shows are -2 stops.
  4. Next I measure the distance from my flash to the subject and find based on what power setting would match the f/stop of the shadows.
  5. Next I would chart out based on how much flash power I used, how would that change the f/stop of the shadows. Note I am not going to use a flash/power that is more than then main subject f/stop.
  6. I calculate out the difference the fill flash makes for the shadows to main f/stop.
  7. Select what type of contrast I'm looking for, and based on that I select which flash power setting to use.
One thing to look at is, typically you do not want to set the fill flash to be the same value as the main subject because this causes the picture to be flat, it removes most if not all the shadows, causing the picture to have little to no contrast. This is known as a dull picture.
I will take example pictures as soon as I can take day time pictures outside, which will not be for awhile.. stupid day light savings.... and having to go to work. (Darn day jobs)

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